Cars are not really my "thing" but do you remember being a little girl and playing MASH with your friends? You would make these lists of things you wanted for your future and then you would pick a number and your friend would count through the list crossing off every spot she landed on when she got to your number. She would keep counting and crossing off until there was only one thing left in each category.
M.A.S.H. stood for mansion, apartment, shack, house. But we had a list of boys we liked, the kinds of cars we'd like to drive, how many kids we wanted, and we would add stuff all the time like what state we would live in and what kind of job we would have. I remember we always had to have one item (or person) in each category that we DID NOT want to end up with because it would be funny if you ended up living in a shack with 10 kids, driving a Ferrari and married to John Stamos.
Most of the plans for the future that I made as a child were squashed by bad decisions and procrastination and luck of the draw and maybe a little bit of favor in the form of unanswered prayers. But if I could play MASH one more time...
Where would you live?
1. Mansion
2. Apartment
3. Shack
4. House
What kind of car would you drive?
1. Jeep
2. Explorer
3. Escalade
4. My dad's old minivan
How many kids would you have?
1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1
Who would you marry?
1. The Rock
2. Channing Tatum
3. John Stamos
4. Idris Elba
My number is 7. The number of perfection.
OH to be a child again!
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