Saturday, March 30, 2013

Face Time without Facebook

It has been just under two weeks since I decided to stop following the daily happenings on Facebook and I would by lying if I said I didn't miss it. I do but the time I have spent away from hours of perusing the Facebook pages of others have allowed me to focus on blogging more and dabbling a bit in my art which I hadn't done in years. Today, in fact, I hope to start painting again.

Over the course of the last 10 days, I have had more conversations with my friends that did not revolve around plans to go out than I have in a long time. I will say that we are still texting a lot but that's fine. Our relationships are not revolving around catching up on Facebook without actual, real communication.

Shortly after deciding to scale back my Facebook involvement, I hurt my back. Forced to spend time on the couch or in bed because I have been unable to walk has increased the temptation to dive back into Facebook. I have checked emails and I have one big event (St. Louis Cardinals Opening Day Tailgate) coming up that I am keeping track of but reading statuses all day, browsing photos, checking up on folks and all of the other day-to-day activities have ceased for now.

I miss my people but like I said before, I am still around!

We will see what the future holds.

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